GERE library

Submit a publication

Step 1: check the inclusion criteria

All publications in the GERE library meet the following criteria:

1. The publication focuses on refugee education;

2. There has been a meaningful participation from refugees in the research process (with ideally at least one refugee as a named author).

If your publication meets these criteria, please complete the submission form below.

Step 2: complete a submission form

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Please list all author names, formatted as 'Last name, First name(s); Last name, First name(s)'.
Please add the year of publication, as a minimum.
Please submit the full title.
Please provide the full URL link/DOI for the publication.
We welcome publications in any language. Please also state if the publication is available in multiple languages.
Please provide a short description of how this fulfils the second criteria of the GERE library (ie. how there has been meaningful participation from refugees in the research process). If a refugee is a named author, please state this.
Please outline the country/countries in which the research took place.
Research sub-topic
Please select all that apply. (NB. all publications should fulfil the first criteria of presenting research in the field of refugee education).
Point of contact
If you are happy for us to contact you about your submission to the GERE library, please leave your name.
If you are happy for us to contact you about your submission to the GERE library, please leave your email.

Step 3: review and publication

We review submissions to the GERE library periodically, before sharing those which meet the criteria on the website. If you have provided a point of contact in your submission form, then we may be in touch if we have further clarification questions. 

Thank you for sharing your research with us!